Obligatory Gamercards

Friday, May 9, 2014

Rune 2 petition

Okay, so not an official "comeback" of the Rambler, but I came across this on the Steam forums and had to share it. Rune, despite its flaws, is frackin' fun; and here is a petition for Rune 2 -
Effective? I don't know, but as of now there are just under seven-thousand sign-ees. Add your vote to the pile, would you kindly? Here's a link to the Steam page for said game: http://store.steampowered.com/app/210950/

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Return is Nigh...

Planning a redesign of my blog, and hopefully adding some original music done, um, originally, by me as well. I've been gaming, and being creative as always and hope to begin sharing here very soon.  Been gone awhile, and be back soon... till then, here's a picture of my stealthy cat...